Oxford High School families of victims, all students and faculty:

You are in our thoughts and prayers. This is an unthinkable tragedy that leaves us wondering why and how? All of us grieve with you.

We implore the Michigan Legislature and the US Congress to seriously address this issue today. No more innocent, bright and promising lives should be lost.

God Bless Oxford students, their families and the United States of America.

Case Studies

Oakland County

Client Challenge: Due to the nature of running a county, the Treasurer’s Department, Parks Department, the Executive Office and a number of other departments for the county all need media buying help with a quick turnaround.

These departments have needed work on billboards, TV, radio, newspaper, and more.

Our Solution: With Oakland County, we have been able to be a marketing resource and to show just how full-service of an agency we are.

As we have been working with them since 2001, we have been able to work with Oakland County on a number of projects. The biggest aspect of this has been media buying. We have forged relationships with a number of broadcast channels, dating back to our start in the radio industry. We have used these relationships to secure great opportunities and efficient buys that don’t hold up the client.

On top of media buying, we have handled other forms of traditional advertising, including billboards and TV ads.

Recently, we received an inquiry about making a purchase on billboards. However, we looked and the billboard rates and weren’t happy with where they were at the time. Recognizing that the client’s needs weren’t best met with billboards at that time, we made the recommendation to turn toward digital for that specific campaign. We ended up creating a digital campaign for their Parks Department that met their needs.


MJR Digital Cinemas

Client Challenge: With a number of movie theatre chains out there, sticking out in the crowd was difficult for MJR Digital Cinemas. They needed a strategy to separate them from the pack and become the premier destination for moviegoers in Michigan.

Our Solution: Here at Ottaway Communications, we place a high value on positioning. We believe that, while we can get your eyeballs, it doesn’t matter if you are just another option in your industry. Without positioning, your competitors will attract the customers that you want.

In the movie theatre industry, many focus on luxury with things like recliners and fancy drinks. To separate MJR Digital Cinemas, we set out to position them with a focus on fun as well.

For those in the area, you may already be familiar with what we did. In fact, your mind may have gone to the famous jingle that we put together for them back in 2002 and they have used for decades and still use today. While we may not have been a part of the claps, that came naturally from moviegoers, we are proud to have been able to add a fun element to the brand in a way that sticks in people’s minds.

With our help, they grew from 100 to more than 200 screens today!


Reasonable Contracting Services

Client Challenge: Standing apart in the world of roofers is difficult. With a large amount of competition and a consumer base that doesn’t see much of a difference between brands, it can be difficult to be the company that people turn to when they need roofing help. It made it even more difficult as this Port Huron-based company outgrew its home turf and set its sights on the bigger markets of Macomb County and Oakland County. This meant we were targeting people that were far less familiar with the brand and going against even more competition.

Our Solution: With everything that this roofing company faced, it was clear that only using one medium was not going to cut it. We had to use a strategic mix of media to get the attention needed to get the phones ringing.

With that plan in mind, we have since set up a few different campaigns that we have mixed together over the years. This has included a billboard campaign, print advertising with a focus on coupons, and a focus on digital as well with Google Ads and search engine optimization. With this game plan in place, we have been able to increase their lead generation and will continue to do so.

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